aChord Center is a non-profit organization that specializes in the social psychology of intergroup relations. The center's unique added value is in developing innovative, evidence based, practical knowledge and tools to improve intergroup relations, by utilizing cutting-edge social psychological theory and data.
The Center was established in 2015 by Professor Eran Halperin, a full professor of psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, together with his colleagues, Prof. Tamar Saguy and Dr. Michal Reifen-Tager. Eran is a recognized and highly acclaimed expert in his field worldwide, having published over 130 academic papers and three books. A frequent lecturer at universities, such as Stanford, Harvard, and Princeton, Eran won the award as the most promising young political psychologist in the world from the International Society of Political Psychology in 2012.
Eran built the center out of concern for the disconnect between research based knowledge on intergroup relations and the actual work being done in the field. The high levels of tension, prejudice, and negative emotions between groups are the most pressing social issues in Israel today. Bound up in these issues are numerous subtle and deep-seated psychological factors that underlie and influence intergroup relations. Yet currently, the numerus organizations and programs that aspire to enhance social cohesion within Israeli society lack socio-psychological knowledge and tools that can significantly increase the effectiveness of their work. It is this gap that the center aims to fill.
aChord’s services are varied, and tailored to specific challenges and fields. To date, the Center conducts research, develops training sessions, offers intensive workshops, designs tools, and consults numerous organizations; helping them address psychological barriers in their work with social groups. The center works in collaboration with the PICR research lab. Home to more than 30 researchers from Israel and abroad, it is one of the leading research labs in the world in the development of effective socio-psychological interventions.